Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Hanging Out - Not in a good way

I was configuring a new Solaris 11 zone the other day when I started getting some performance problems. Notably things would just hang. Command like prstat and top and even an ls would hang or take a very long time to complete.

The real worry was that it not only affected the zone, but the global zone too!

I could log in to extra sessions with no problem but as soon as I ran a command it would just hang. And since there was only this zone on this freshly installed global zone, I was really really worried that I had some problem with the hardware.

Luckily I did some checking first before having a well-deserved nervous breakdown (I still had 8 other zones to configure and the server is going live on Saturday!). The template I had used for creating the Solaris 11 zone was a current Solaris 10 zone template that I had modified.

More luck than reasoning made the following two settings on the zone config stand out:
limitpriv: default
scheduling-class: FSS

I cleared both settings and restarted my zone and the intermittent problems went away.

*Note to self: Investigate at a later point to understand fully.

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