Thursday 30 June 2016

Setting up Samba Auditing

1. Define the output file
  vi /etc/syslog.conf and add the line:
local5.notice                                   /var/log/samba/audit.log
  Note: Use tabs for spacing!

2. Make sure the output file is rotated
logadm -A 6w -S5g -z 0 -c -p 1w -w /var/log/samba/audit.log
                        -A 6w means Delete files older than 6 weeks
                        -S 5g means delete files so that all versions are less than 5g
                        -z 0 means compress all previous versions
                        -c mean rotate copying & truncating the logfile to zero length, rather than renaming
                        -p 1w means rotate after 1 week
-w means write to settings to logadm.conf

3. Change the samba settings for the shares.
  vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
  To the [global] section add the lines:
        full_audit:prefix = %U|%I|%u|%S
        full_audit:failure = connect
        full_audit:success = connect disconnect mkdir rmdir read pread write pwrite sendfile rename unlink chmod fchmod chown fchown ftruncate lock symlink readlink link mknod
        full_audit:facility = LOCAL5
        full_audit:priority = notice
  For each of the shares you want to audit, add the line:
        vfs object = full_audit
  Note: If you want to audit all shares, add this line to the global section.

  In case you're wondering what file creates and deletes show up in the log as:

4. svcadm restart samba